현) DAAD German Academic Exchange Service (주한독일고등교육진흥원; 독일학술교류처) 장학생 선발 심사위원
현) 한국운동영양학회 학술상임이사
현) 한국운동생리학회 편집위원회 위원 & 이사
현) 주식회사 론픽 자문교수
전) 주식회사 오비이랩 자문교수
전) Metabolites (SCIE; IF: 4.1) Special Issue: “Metabolic Flexibility in Exercise Performances and Metabolic Diseases” 초청 편집장
전) 동아대학교 건강관리학과 연구교수(2018~2019)
전) 쾰른 독일스포츠대학교 스포츠 의학 분자생물학실 연구원(2013~2018)
전) 쾰른 독일스포츠대학교 학부강사: 통계, 운동영양학, 운동생리학(2015~2017)
전) 올림픽 베이스센터 라인랜드 연구원(2012~2018).
쾰른 독일스포츠대학교-독일 학술교류 장학재단 최우수 외국인 학술상(2015) (German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and German Sport University Cologne-Award for outstanding international students, 2015)
제99회 전국체육대회기념 제56회 한국체육학회 학술발표회 겸 제30회 88 서울올림픽기념 국제 스포츠 과학 학술대회 한국운동생리학회 우수 구두발표상 2018년 10월 12일.
2018 한국운동생리학회 동계국제학술대회 우수 포스터상 2018년 12월 8일.
[국가과제 및 산업체 프로젝트]
2025 – 2026 주식회사 론픽: 운동 관리 로봇 “클라이밋(CLIMIT)” 기반 노인 운동처방을 위한 최적 측정 프로토콜 개발사업(2년차), 책임연구자(PI)
2024 – 2025 주식회사 론픽: 운동 관리 로봇 “클라이밋(CLIMIT)” 기반 운동처방 고도화를 위한 최적 측정 프로토콜 개발사업, 책임연구자(PI)
2021 – 2023 OBELAB REPACE 디바이스 개발사업, 책임연구자(PI)
2020 한국콘텐츠진흥원: AI 스마트미러 피트니스 서비스, 과제참여자
2019 문화체육관광부: 5G Health Cube 사업, 책임연구자(PI)
2019 과학기술정보통신부: 휴먼케어 콘텐츠 개발사업, 과제참여자
2019 부산광역시: 메디컬 스포츠 융합서비스 개발사업, 과제참여자
2018 한국연구재단: 치매예방을 위한 노인 맞춤형 운동중재 개발 및 효과검증, 과제참여자
International Publications [SCIE, SSCI & SCOPUS] *교신(책임)저자
Meixner B*, Stegmaier J, Renner P, Koehler K, Yang WH, Sperlich B. Supplementation of Creatine Monohydrate improves sprint performance but has no effect on glycolytic contribution: A Non-Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Crossover Trial in Trained Cyclists. Current Developments in Nutrition, 2025 9(2): 104561(ESCI, IF: 3.8).
Santos DFC*, Yang WH, Franchini E. A scoping review of rapid weight loss in judo athletes: prevalence, magnitude, effects on performance, risks, and recommendations . Physical Activity and Nutrition, 2024, 28(3): 001-012. https://doi.org/10.20463/pan.2024.0017 (SCOPUS, CS: 2.0).
Yang WH*, Park SY, Kwak YJ, Kim ZH, Choi SH. Third-man-passing small-sided games induce higher anaerobic energy contributions than regular-passing small-sided games in football players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2024, 19(11): 1275-1284. https://doi.org/10.1123/ijspp.2024-0196 (SCIE, IF: 3.5).
Phol A, Schünemann F, Schaaf K, Yang WH, Heck H, Heine O, Jacko D, Gehlert S*. Increased resting lactate levels and reduced carbohydrate intake cause νLa.max underestimation by reducing net lactate accumulation—A pilot study in young adults. Physiological Reports, 2024, https://doi.org/10.14814/phy2.70020 (ESCI, IF: 2.2).
Yang WH, Meixner B, Sperlich B*. Uncertainty in determining the optimal test duration for maximal rate of lactate accumulation during all-out sprint cycle ergometry. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2024, 124: 3147-3148. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-024-05506-2 (SCIE, IF: 2.8).
Park SY, Yang WH*. Applied high-intensity interval cardio yoga improves cardiometabolic fitness, energetic contributions, and metabolic flexibility in healthy adults. Frontiers in Physiology, 2023, 14:1279505. 1-13. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1279505 (SCIE, IF: 3.2).
Bersiner K*, Park SY, Schaaf K, Yang WH, Theis C, Jacko D, Gehlert S*. Resistance exercise: A mighty tool that adapts, destroys, rebuilds and modulates the molecular and structural environment of skeletal muscle. Physical Activity and Nutrition, 2023; 27(2): 078-095. doi: https://doi.org/10.20463/pan.2023.0021 (SCOPUS, CS: 1.7).
Yang WH*, Park SY, Kim T, Jeon HJ, Heine O, Gehlert S*. A modified formula using energy system contributions to calculate pure maximal rate of lactate accumulation during a maximal sprint cycling test. Frontiers in Physiology, 2023, 14:1147321. 1-10. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1147321 (SCIE, IF: 3.2).
Schünemann F, Park SY, Wawer C, Theis C, Yang WH*, Gehlert S*. Diagnostics of vLa.max and glycolytic energy contribution indicate individual characteristics of anaerobic glycolytic energy metabolism contributing to rowing performance. Metabolites, 2023, 13(3): 317, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo13030317 (SCIE, IF: 3.4).
Yang WH*, Park JH, Park SY, Park Y. Energetic contributions including gender differences and metabolic flexibility in the general population and athletes. Metabolites, 2022, 12(10): 965, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo12100965 (SCIE, IF: 4.1).
Moon NR, Yang WH*. Effects of individualized low-intensity Mat Pilates on aerobic capacity and recovery ability in adults. Physical Activity and Nutrition, 2022, 26(4): 46-53. https://doi.org/10.20463/pan.2022.0024 (SCOPUS, CS: 1.7).
Hwang J, Moon NR, Heine O, Yang WH*. The ability of energy recovery in professional soccer players is increased by individualized low-intensity exercise. PLoS One, 2022, 17(6): e0270484, 1-12. (SCIE, IF: 3.7).
Yang WH*, Park JH, Shin YC, Kim J. Physiological profiling and energy system contributions during simulated epée matches in elite fencers. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2022, 17(6), 943-950. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1123/ijspp.2021-0497 (SCIE, IF: 3.3).
Lee KH, Ju HM, Yang WH*. Metabolic energy contributions during high-intensity Hatha Yoga and physiological comparisons between active and passive (Savasana) recovery. Frontiers in Physiology, 2021, 12(1555), 1-8. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.743859. (SCIE, IF: 4.75).
Park SB, Park DS, Kim MJ, Lee E, Lee D, Jung J, Son SJ, Hong J, Yang WH*. High-intensity warm-up increases anaerobic energy contribution during 100-m sprint. Biology. 2021, 10, 198, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology10030198 (SCIE, IF: 5.16).
Lee D, Son JY, Ju HM, Won JH, Park SB, Yang WH*. Effects of individualized low-intensity exercise and its duration on recovery ability in adults. Healthcare. 2021, 9, 249, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9030249 (SCIE/SSCI, IF: 3.16).
Yang WH*, Park H, Grau M, Heine O. Decreased blood glucose and lactate: is a useful indicator of recovery ability in athletes?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020: 17(15), 5470, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17155470 (SCIE/SSCI, IF: 3.39).
Park SB, Kim M, Lee E, Lee D, Son SJ, Hong J, Yang WH*. Energy system contributions and physical activity in specific age groups during exergames. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020: 17, 4905, 1-9. doi:10.3390/ijerph17134905 (SCIE/SSCI, IF: 3.39).
Wawer C, Heine O, Predel HG, Park DS, Yang WH*. Determination of anaerobic capacity – reliability and validity of different sprint running tests. Exercise Science. 2020 29(2): 129-137 (SCOPUS, CS: 0.6).
Yang WH, Park H*. Energy demands during maximal sprint cycling in youth cyclists. Exercise Science. 2019 28(1): 60-65 (SCOPUS, CS: 0.6).
Yang WH*, Heine O, Grau M. Rapid weight reduction does not impair athletic performance of Taekwondo athletes – A pilot study. PLoS One. 2018 13(4): e0196568, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0196568 (SCIE, IF: 2.77).
Yang WH*, Heine O, Mester J, Grau M. Impact of rapid weight reduction on health and performance related indicators of athletes representing the Olympic combat sports. Archives of Budo. 2017 May; 13(1): 147-160. http://archbudo.com/view/abstract/id/11502 (SCIE, IF: 1.59).
Yang WH, Heine O, Sebastian P, Kim P, Bloch W, Mester J, Grau M*. Rapid rather than gradual weight reduction impairs hemorheological parameters of Taekwondo Athletes through reduction in RBC-NOS activation. PLoS One. 2015 10(4): e0123767, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0123767 (SCIE, IF: 3.05).
Yang WH*, Grau M, Kim P, Schmitz A, Heine O, Bloch W, Mester J. Physiological and psychological performance of taekwondo athletes is more affected by rapid than by gradual weight reduction. Archives of Budo. 2014 Jul; 10(1): 169-177. http://archbudo.com/view/abstract/id/10505 (SCIE, IF: 1.23).
Yang WH, Grau M, Schmitz A, Heine O, Mester J. Vergleich der psychologischen und physiologischen Veränderungen und Leistungsentwicklungen zwischen akuter und langfristiger Gewichtsreduktion bei Taekwondo-Athleten, Kongress Nachwuchsförderung in NRW am 4. und 5. Juni, 2012. Poster Session, Das Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Leistungssport, MOMENTUM.
Grau M, Yang WH, Bloch W. Einfluss akuter und langfristiger Gewichtsreduktion auf die hämorheologischen Parameter von Taekwondo-Athleten. 45. Deutscher Sportärztekongress in Frankfurt am Main am 12. Und 13. September, 2014. Poster Session, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, 65. Jahrgang.
Yang WH, Heine O, Pauly S, Kim P, Bloch W, Mester J, Grau M. Rapid rather than gradual weight reduction impairs performance of Taekwondo Athletes through a reduction in red blood cell-nitric oxide synthase dependent nitric oxide production and a reduction in hemorheological parameters. 15th International Congress of Biorheology and 8th International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology Seoul, Korea, May 24–28, 2015. Poster Session. Biorheology. 2015; 52:123-62.
Yang WH, Heine O, Mester J, Grau M. Health and athletic performance during rapid weight reduction in combat sports. 22nd annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Metropolitan Area, Germany, July 5-8, 2017. E-Poster Session. European College of Sport Science.
Wawer C, Yang WH, Heine O, Predel HG. Determination of anaerobic capacity – reliability and validity of sprint running tests. 22nd annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Metropolitan Area, Germany, July 5-8, 2017. E-Poster Session. European College of Sport Science.
Kuger J, Yang WH, Kirbschus K, Heine O, Vogt T. A pilot study to test reliability of an acoustic-based judo-specific beep test. 22nd annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Metropolitan Area, Germany, July 5-8, 2017. Mini Oral Presentation Session. European College of Sport Science.
Yang WH. Rapid weight reduction does not impair hemorheological properties and competitive performance of Taekwondo athletes – A pilot study. 39회춘계학술대회, 한국운동영양학회.부산, 2018년5월25-26일.Oral presentation. Korean Society for Exercise Nutrition.
Yang WH. Competitive performanceof Taekwondo athletes was not impaired by rapid weight loss – A pilot study. The 99th National Sports Festival Commemoration, The 56th KAHPERD Conference, 30th International Sport Science Congress, In Commemoration of the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, October 11-12, 2018, Wonkwang University, Oral presentation.
Yang WH, Oliver Heine, Jagyeong Yang, Hyejin Park, Jihyeon Lee, Hyuntae Park. Energy contribution during maximal sprint cycling. 2018 Winter Conference of Korea Society of Exercise Physiology, Dec. 08, 2018, Hannam University, Poster presentation.
Park H, Kim B, Park JH, Kim K, Yang WH, Yang J, Park H, Jang M, Son H. Impact of objective-measured daily physical activity and chronotype with cognitive frailty. 2019 Alzheimer’s and Dementia 15(7): P506-P507, DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2019.06.1206.
Park DS, Park SB, Kim MJ, Lee E, Lee D, Jung J, Son SJ, Hong J, Yang WH. Effects of warm-up intensity on energy system contribution and performance during 100 m sprint in youth sprinters. 2020 International Conference of the Korean Society of Exercise Physiology, Feature Spectrum of Health Promotion and Exercise Physiology, Aug. 21, 2020, Seoul National University, Oral presentation.
Yang WH. 비만환자에서 운동 강도의 단계적 적용. 2020년 대한비만학회, 제40회 추계 연수강좌, 2020년 10월 25일(일), 온라인 생중계. Korean Society for the Study of Obesity.
Lee D, Yang WH. Individualized low-intensity exercise increases regenerative endurance in adults. 한국운동영양학회 제41회 춘계학술대회 Exercise and Nutrition for Health Promotion. 23. 04. 2021, The K-Hotel, Oral Presentation.
Yang WH. Physiological responses and energetic contributions during simulated epée matches in elite fencers. 2022 International Conference of Korean Society of Exercise Physiology. Role of Exercise Science: Moving ahead in the New Normal post COVID-19. 07 – 09.04.2022, Jeju Oriental Hotel, Oral Presentation.
Kim J, Yang WH. Energy system contributions during high-intensity hatha yoga and physiological comparisons between different recoveries. 2022 International Conference of Korean Society of Exercise Physiology. Role of Exercise Science: Moving ahead in the New Normal post COVID-19. 07 – 09.04.2022, Jeju Oriental Hotel, Oral Presentation.
Moon NR, Yang WH. Effects of individualized low-intensity mat pilates on aerobic and recovery ability in adults. 2022 International Conference of Korean Society of Exercise Physiology. Role of Exercise Science: Moving ahead in the New Normal post COVID-19. 07 – 09.04.2022, Jeju Oriental Hotel, Oral Presentation.
Yang WH. Metabolic recovery is improved by individualized low-intensity exercise. 2022년도 제42회 한국운동영양학회 춘계 학술대회. New paradigms of nutrition and exercise to improve health and sports performance in the new normal era. 2022.05.20., Seoul the Riverside Hotel, Lecture.
Park SY & Yang WH. Energy system contributions including gender differences and metabolic flexibility between different individuals. 2022년도 제103회 전국체육대회 기념 제60회 한국체육학회 학술대회. 2022.10.07-08., 울산대학교, Oral presentation.
Yang WH. Energy system profiling and physiological responses during simulated épée competitions in elite fencers. 2023. (56.) Atmungs- und Leistungsphysiologische Arbeitstagung - ALAT. 24.02.2023, Hildesheim, Germany - Online Symposium, Oral Presentation.
Yang WH & Park SY. Physiological responses and energy system profiling during the simulation of epée competitions in elite fencers. 28th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Paris, France, July 4-7, 2023. Oral Presentation Session. European College of Sport Science. ECSS Paris, France 2023.
Park SY & Yang WH. Individualized low-intensity jogging within recovery zone 1 increases the ability of energetic recovery in professional soccer players. 28th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Paris, France, July 4-7, 2023. Oral Presentation Session. European College of Sport Science. ECSS Paris, France 2023.
Yang WH. Novel insight into the calculation of pure maximal glycolytic rate using three energy system contributions . 29th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 3-7, 2024. Oral Presentation Session. European College of Sport Science. ECSS Glasgow, United Kingdom 2024.